Alison has over 25 years of experience supporting breastfeeding and has worked in the field of tongue tie assessment and division since 2007 and has performed over 10,000 tongue tie procedures to enable babies to feed better. She worked at the Royal Free tongue -tie clinic for 8 years and now works privately supporting babies and families in and around North London.
Many babies have a tongue tie that restricts the movement of the tongue and can affect breastfeeding and bottle feeding. The symptoms often experienced include :
For Mum
Sore , cracked bleeding nipples , blanched or wedge shaped nipple after feeding , blocked ducts thrush , mastitis and low milk supply
For Baby
Shallow latch or inability to latch on , very frequent feedings, sleepy feeds , weight loss issues , baby slides off the nipple , clicking whilst nursing , gassiness, reflux or colic, gagging on milk
It can also affect babies who are bottle-feeding and the symptoms include excess clicking, dribbling, coughing, choking and spluttering .
Contact me to arrange a home visit to help with tongue tie division and support with breast-feeding in the North London area.